Friday, February 10, 2012

Nancy Castiglione - Hayden Kho Spotted Kissing, Vicki Belo Gave Them Her Blessing

Nancy Castiglione - Hayden Kho Spotted Kissing, Vicki Belo Gave Them Her Blessing

They met. Fell in love. Broke-up because of s*x video controversy.

They again met. Reunited because of love (at least according to them). Parted ways again because of yet another controversy?

That's how the love story of Vicki Belo and Hayden Kho goes on and on and one.....ho..hum...!

But unlike the first cause of their break-up where it involved several well-known sexy celebrities playing adult games with Hayden, this time the arrow only point to one direction -> the former sexy singer-actress Nancy Castiglione (also known as Nancy Jane).

According to a report posted at abs-cbnnews,com Hayden and Nancy were spotted earlier this week kissing at a bar in Taguig.

The separation rumor started when Vicki Belo tweeted this message this afternoon:

@vicki_belo - nancycastilogne (sic) you can now openly date @haydenjr . You have my blessings . Hope you'll both be happy"

Which was answered by Hayden Kho with:

@haydenjr - Before things go out of hand: Vicki and I are just having a misunderstanding. Don't make conclusions. There's NO infidelity issue here."

Hayden also added:

I'd like to appeal to everyone to please hold your judgment. There has been a misunderstanding and it's gone out of proportion. I feel that the public doesn't have to get involved in this but since names have to be cleared and this issue involves the welfare of two innocent toddlers, I will have to speak out my piece, but at the right time. Thank you,"

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